SVG Image + Contact Form Submit Button Color

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  • #5433

    How can the guide lines that appear in faint grey around the SVG image on this page: be removed? The code for the SVG image is beneath the line below.

    How can the contact form submit button color be changed on this page:

    <table id=”Table_01″ border=”0px” width=”auto” cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″>

    Axle Support

    Hi @dress2kale,

    Please go to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS and add this code to remove borders of the table used

    .entry-content table td {
        border: none;

    Code to change color of submit button

    .entry-content .wpcf7 input.wpcf7-submit {
        background: #205a93;

    You can upgrade to Company Elite Pro if you need more options like color, fonts and more.


    Thank you so much – This worked flawlessly. Where can I leave a review?

    Axle Support

    Hi @dress2kale,

    You can post review at this link.

    Thank you in advance.

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