Outdated Templates for Woocommerce 3.5

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  • #8225

    Hi Guys,

    We just upgraded to Woocommerce 3.5 and it is raising the following error:


    Your theme (Business Key Pro) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggestions to fix this:

    Update your theme to the latest version. If no update is available contact your theme author asking about compatibility with the current WooCommerce version.
    If you copied over a template file to change something, then you will need to copy the new version of the template and apply your changes again.


    Please update the template files or let us know how to do that.


    Axle Support

    In your message, you have mentioned Business Key Pro but you have opened thread in forum of Best Business Pro. Anyway, we checked our both themes and both themes are not overriding WooCommerce templates. Customizations are done using hooks. Can you please confirm?


    Thanks for responding. Yes, we had customized the skin by adding a folder for Woocommerce and some templates in it. We have fixed this issue.

    Axle Support

    Glad that it is fixed.

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