Homepage elementor issue

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    I like to change the homepage of the website with elementor but i get an error like:
    Sorry, the content area was not found in your page. You must call ‘the_content’ funtion in the current template, inorder for Elementor to work on this page.

    Manual solution

    Add the_content function into the page template’s code.

    This is the line you need to add: <?php the_content(); ?>

    If you are not familiar with where to place this code or how to add it to the page, please contact your website developer so it can be implemented properly as we cannot provide full support for that.

    So my quesion is, how to place this line of code?


    Michelle Hoenderboom

    Axle Support

    In your child theme, copy front-page.php from parent theme. Then put the_content() just after get_header();.
    Another thing, by default that content area is hidden in the theme.So, use following CSS to display that area.

    .home.page #content {
        display: block;

    PS: Officially our theme does not support Elementor. So, we would not be able to help much in this area of Elementor integration.


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