Front page, EM: Intro – change image size

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    Ok the template for the front pages comes with this format: Notice the image below the “About” is full size 1920 x 658 (which matched the size of the original photo).

    However, on this multi site, we have another front page where the system is auto shrinking the image to 300×103. See this here: Here even though the image is he same size as the other site, the system adds -300×103 to the end of the image name and shows at the reduced size

    How do we get the second site to look like the first one? Actually show full size?

    Axle Support

    Hi @watkec,

    It looks like you have not selected full size image while you insert image in second site. Please check image and make sure you have selected full size.


    I have selected same size picture but still picture is coming 300×92 pixles. how can I change into Recommended image size: 1300px X 350px

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