Why Change Image Size?

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    Hi – I’ve just update my theme only to find the Site Logo has been DRASTICALLY reduced in size. Why did you guy do this?

    Looked really good when it was the correct size, now it looks daft
    PLEASE let me change it back to the correct size.
    Also can you please help me get rid of the Front Page widget.. I cannot use the static page choice any-more.

    Axle Support

    Hi @djs010349

    You can go to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS and add CSS code given below to make it 100% wide. It will display full size of the image you upload.

    .custom-logo-link {
        max-width: 100%;

    Thanks for that – works great. Now can you please tell me how I can get rid of the Front Page Widget so enabling me to use the static page option ..

    Axle Support

    Hi @djs010349

    Please create a new page called Home.

    Go to Settings -> Reading and assign Home page like this https://prnt.sc/jtpbwv

    Go to Appearance -> Widgets and add widgets to Front Page Widget Area like this https://prnt.sc/jtpcjc

    You will get homepage like the demo of a theme after it.

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