questions regarding Best Business Pro

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  • #1992

    I need a simple 1-2 page website
    I would like to delete the search option all together
    Section 1: Like your section in the demo “WE CREATE AWESOME & POWERFUL THEME FOR WORDPRESS”
    How is this created.(Posting? I don’t see these layout options. I have chosen static front page)
    Section 2: Like you section “We are a young agency.” how is this created? (Posting? I don’t see these layout options)
    In your documentation How to set Pagination Options, the only options I have are Default (Older/Newer) and Numeric. Should I have more?


    I found how to delete the search form, but still need help with the other questions


    I also need to change the bright blue in the footer:
    I have added widgets and there is a bright blue line under the title that needs to change color and the icons in the BB: Address widget need to change to corporate color.

    Thank you.

    Axle Support

    Have you added widgets in Front Page Widget Area? You need to go to Appearance -> Widgets and add desired widgets. Several widgets are available for home page. Widget you are referring is Call to Action widget and Featured Page widget.

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