Logo Sizing

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  • #1837

    Hi there,

    I have tried to re-size the logo, but cannot seem to find out if this is even possible.

    My logo looks so tiny – can someone help with increasing it please?

    It also applies to a banner I’ve tried to place in the header too.

    Thanks in advance.


    Anyone available to help?

    Axle Support

    Hello @ejscott

    Thank you for using our theme can you please do share us your URL.

    If you want to customize CSS only then you can use Additional CSS in Customizer. You should NEVER modify theme or plugin directly. Otherwise it will be lost when theme is updated. Another alternative is using child theme. https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes

    Regarding logo, CSS you have changed is correct. But please keep it in Additional CSS box in the Customizer.


    .custom-logo-link {
    float: left;
    max-width: 250px; <<<<<<<(here)
    margin-right: 100px; 250px; <<<<<<<(here)

    This is can fix your problem if you need any other assistance feel free to let us know we will be happy to answer your queries.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Axle Support.

    Hi, since I am sooooo new to this, could you explain what a child theme is and how I create this?

    Will an update affect any widgets that are placed within the site?


    Hi – I am having the same issue with the logo sizing – it is incredibly small in the Business Pro version. I tried adding the custom CSS but it’s not working. Unsure if I am using the custom CSS correctly. See https://www.meetingpointseminars.com

    Axle Support

    Hello @marie

    Our dev team is working on it, will be fixed and release soon.


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